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Meet The Team

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Annie Murray


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Annie is a videographer and business owner of Brighton based, socially minded film production company, Edit Sweet Ltd - a company that focuses on people before profit and creates powerful film pieces for a variety of clients, Theatre Royal, Tate Modern, Cancer Research & most recently the NHS.


However, life was not always so easy for Annie after her own 15 year battle with addiction that took away a professional music career, friends & family and brought her gradually yet haltingly to the lowest point in her life when her addiction left her street homeless in 2014 and often hospitalised with severe health conditions.


Fighting to improve her situation and thankfully finding creative community based organisations and creative outlets in East Sussex, Annie found recovery in 2016 and turned her life around; what she once thought would be beyond the realms of possible.


The first thoughts surrounding social change came when it was realised that there wasn't enough pathways like this available to people in recovery. Annie's realisation that she had been very fortunate to have found such a pathway made her determined to start her own and make creative recovery more accessible. With more opportunities around the year for people finding a new life in recovery. 


"You've got to re-learn everything, from brushing your teeth to putting one step in-front of another. Learn to FEEL again. Communicating and learning trust with others, most importantly, learning to trust yourself. I didn't know quite what I was capable of until I found recovery and a program which just helps me understand life and a bit more about how to live it to the fullest. My business and work now is designed to work for me and keeps my recovery at the heart which is imperative to my long term recovery.


I have a life I am in love with - & I wish for others to have this gift"


With this lived experience, Annie knows the utmost importance of community based projects like, 'Horizon' and is determined to make this a more accessible path for those wanting to find a new life for themselves,

free from addiction and free to create their own paths.

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Angela El Zeind

Director & Teacher

Angela is Horizon's support manager and director who shares with people performance methods and techniques which can be used as tools of empowerment.


Angela studied Performing Arts, acted in films, and worked as a travelling performer and designer for a number of years. She then started teaching and lecturing. and gradually began steering towards working within the community.


This became the focus, and Angela continues to teach Film & Theatre through her CIC, Speak UP! Act Out!,  and is now specialising in working with community groups and organsiations, as well as creating her own public performances.  


Speak Up! Act Out! is committed to creating immersive performances which raise awareness, questions and encourage conversations about the issues which affect our community and society. We invite positive social changes which begin when we use film & theatre as a platform for debate. We have worked extensively within Brighton and further afield, facilitating workshops and sharing with other groups the tools they need to devise their own work. In our performances, which we create using extensive research and true stories which have been shared with us, we have explored issues such as homelessness; homophobia, peer pressure, emotional abuse and the family law system.

We have collaborated with a variety of groups and organisations, including Cascade Creative Recovery; Mankind Counselling; University of Sussex Student Union; NCIA; The Detention Forum; Keele University; A Band of Brothers; Miss Represented; Brighton Youth Centre and First Base.


Angela is now working with Horizon, to support students in all areas of film direction, lighting, design and performance.

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The Joyful Web

Marketing & Social Media training

The Joyful are an impact-led marketing company who work alongside organisations who aspire to make changes within our communities.


The Joyful are partnering with Horizon to support our first year-long Film Festival project and we're incredibly excited to be working with this dynamic team! Not only will the Joyful be running the mighty marketing campaign, boosting followers, gaining traction & PR, assisting in the delivery of our monthly "Action! Addiction. Recovery" podcasts but will also be teaching our students through their Joyful Academy, where students can learn from the experts everything there is to know about social media and how to maximise the powerful world wide web tool. 


Horizon crew members, who are people in recovery from substance misuse in Brighton & Hove -  will learn to run the Horizon social media pages throughout their time with Horizon, and will be taught by The Joyful. Learning impact-led marketing skills as an additional skill to the film project! We believe marketing and social media skills help future film makers ensure their films are SEEN viewed by the right audiences.


The Joyful will be taking Horizon to the next level - and with plans already in motion - watch this space!


"You’re a change maker, which means you do things differently. So do we.

We don’t work like a traditional digital marketing agency. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach here, and you’ll never hear us talk about your audience or customers like they’re just numbers on a dashboard.


Instead, we do business human-to-human, making every interaction count."




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